Wednesday, 13 April 2011

AS Graphics Magazine

We were given a brief to create a cover for a magazine, and these are a couple of pages where I had some photographs and then goes on to my final piece for it after trying various compositions with the photograph and text.

Light Photography

These photographs are from my A2 exam piece for photography, I chose the question Pattern and Abstract, and decided to go in the direction of light patterns. I really enjoy light photography, as to begin with I used people within my photography to create patterns around them and then went more into patterns in the dark with no people as focal points but began to try and create focal points with the lights themselves.

Location Park A2

These are a few photographs I took when I was in the park one afternoon, I edited them slightly on Photoshop to bring the colour out of them more, and I really enjoyed the macro photographs I did, to find smaller details in the park which are full of colour, pattern and shape.

Location Manchester A2

These photographs are continuing on the theme of  Location, so I went into Manchester Centre, to take photographs of various places within the city, paying attention to colours for focal points within the photographs.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A2 Location Manchester

These photographs are based on photographer Shirley Baker, from her 1960's Salford street photography. I enjoyed this work, as it was captured photography, rather than positioning your focal points.

Park Location Photography

These are a number of photographs I took between Winter and Spring for my photography work, within Cheetham Park, Stamford Park, and the Country Park all of which are local to me. Within the photographs I varied my angles around certain objects/focal points to get direction of light and different composition.

Arnulf Rainer

These pages are the planning, contact sheet and final outcome of my set of photographs after researching into Arnulf Rainer. I really enjoyed his work, as they were fun to produce and different than the other studio sets I had previously taken.